Donnerstag, Juli 02, 2015

Donauprojekt im Juli

Gleich heute zum Monatsbeginn habe ich mir ein Buch für mein Donauprojekt ausgewählt. Nach Patrick Leigh Fermor und Andrew Eames wandert nun Nick Hunt für mich durch Europa. Nick Hunt macht es wie Patrick Leigh Fermor und wandert von Holland bis nach Istanbul. Andrew Eames ist ja nur dem Lauf der Donau gefolgt, das aber per Rad, Schleppkahn, Pferd, zu Fuß und im Ruderboot durch das Delta.
Mein Neues:

Walking the Woods and the Water
In Patrick Leigh Fermor's Footsteps from
the Hook of Holland to the Golden Horn

Description: In 1933, the eighteen year old Patrick Leigh Fermor set out in a pair of hobnailed boots to chance and charm his way across Europe, "like a tramp, a pilgrim or a wandering Scholar". The books he later wrote about this walk, A Time of Gifts, Between the Woods and the Water, and the posthumous The Broken Road are a half-remembered, half-reimagined journey through cultures now extinct, landscapes irrevocably altered by the traumas of the twentieth century. Aged eighteen, Nick read A Time of Gifts and dreamed of following Fermor's footsteps. In 2010 he gegan his own grat trudge, on foot all the way to Istanbul. He walked across Europe rhrogh eight countries, following two Major rivers and crossing three mountain ranges. Using Fermor's book as his only travel guide he trekked some 2,500 miles through Holland, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey.

His aim? To have an old-fashioned adventure. To slow down and linger in a world where we pass by so much, so fast. To discover for himself what remained of hospitality, Kindness to strangers, freedom, wildness adventure, the mysterious, the unkown, the deeper currents of myth and Story that still flow beneath Europe's surface.

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