Mittwoch, Juli 22, 2015

The Brooklyn Bridge

Leider habe ich heute die Terence Hill-Biographie wieder ausgelesen. Sie war in einem journalistischem Stil gut geschrieben, hauptsächlich über die Filme, aber doch auch ein wenig privates. Terence Hill ist immer noch mit seiner ersten Frau verheiratet, hat wie sie deutsche Vorfahren - und das alles wusste ich gar nicht. Tolles Buch!
Morgen beginne ich dann in der U-Bahn wieder mit einem Sachbuch, in dem es um den Bau der Brooklyn Bridge geht. Ein mehr als 600-Seiten-Schmöker!
Mein Neues:
The Great Bridge
The Epic Story of the Building
of the Brooklyn Bridge

Description: The dramatic and enthralling story of the building of the Brooklyn Bridge, the world’s longest suspension bridge at the time, a tale of greed, corruption, and obstruction but also of optimism, heroism, and determination, told by master historian David McCullough.
This monumental book is the enthralling story of one of the greatest events in our nation’s history, during the Age of Optimism—a period when Americans were convinced in their hearts that all things were possible.
In the years around 1870, when the project was first undertaken, the concept of building an unprecedented bridge to span the East River between the great cities of Manhattan and Brooklyn required a vision and determination comparable to that which went into the building of the great cathedrals. Throughout the fourteen years of its construction, the odds against the successful completion of the bridge seemed staggering. Bodies were crushed and broken, lives lost, political empires fell, and surges of public emotion constantly threatened the project. But this is not merely the saga of an engineering miracle; it is a sweeping narrative of the social climate of the time and of the heroes and rascals who had a hand in either constructing or exploiting the surpassing Enterprise.

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