Montag, Februar 23, 2009


Heute in der Straßenbahn habe ich das Buch von Lilian Faschinger ausgelesen und wie schon erwartet, hat es mir sehr gut gefallen. Es war sehr interessant, mit den Protagonisten durch Wien zu bummeln...
Heute Abend werde ich dann mit einer Anthologie beginnen, in der einige interessante und sogar einige meiner Lieblingsschriftsteller vertreten sind.

Nadine GORDIMER (Hsrg.)
Telling Tales

Product Description: Along with making music, the art of storytelling is the oldest form of enchantment as entertainment. The twenty-one stories in this anthology are written in different 'voices' - vividly individual styles - and all have come together to bring the joy of reading to whoever takes up this remarkable collection. All twenty-one writers have given their stories without any fee or royalty. The publishers of each edition in each country where the anthology is published have produced the book without receiving any profit or royalty. Musicians have given their talents for the benefit of the forty million men, women and children infected with HIV and AIDS worldwide. These writers have decided that they too wanted to contribute in some way to the fight against the pandemic disease from which no country, no individual, is safely isolated.

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