Samstag, Juli 02, 2011

Wieder was Neues zu Lesen

Da ich mir für heute Abend wieder etwas Neues zum Lesen aussuchen musste, habe ich mich wieder für ein Buch über das Schreiben - und zwar erotischer Literatur - entschieden. Das Buch klingt interessant und ich freue mich schon sehr darauf.

Meine heutige Abendlektüre:

Elizabeth BENEDICT
The Joy of Writing Sex
A Guide for Fiction Writers

Book Description: The definitive guide to writing sex scenes and its lessons will also teach the craft of writing fiction as a whole. Elizabeth Benedict explores all the issues: the first time, married sex, adultery and more. It is a guide grounded in the experiences and examples of the best contemporary novelists: Toni Morrison, Edmund White, Roddy Doyle and John Updike among others. Benedict focuses on crafting believable sex scenes that hinge on freshness of character, dialogue, mood and plot. She takes into account recent changes in sexual attitudes due to AIDS, Monica Lewinsky and cybersex. There are interviews with a wide range of younger writers, including Jeanette Winterson, Darin Strauss and Dorothy Allison.

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