Sonntag, Juli 13, 2008


Nach den chinesischen Kurzgeschichten die mir nicht so ganz gefallen haben, beginne ich heute Abend einmal mit ganz was anderem. Ich interessiere mich ja sehr für das Mittelalter und das Buch klingt ganz spannend.

Margaret Wade LABARGE
Mistress, Maids and Men
Baronial Life in the Thirteenth Century

Synopsis: Based mainly on the household roll of Eleanor de Montfort (sister of Henry III and Countess of Leicester) in the year 1265, this work reveals in close detail the social organisation and domestic life of a self-sufficient and mobile unit, typical of the households of the great barons. Earl Simon's extraordinary political position, as the rebellious leader of the baronage, is studied with reference to the role of the ruling elite within society. MISTRESS, MAIDS ANDE MEN offers a wealth of detail and reconstructs the daily fare and activities of the family: what they ate and drank, what they wore, how they amused themselves, and how much it all cost. In addition to the roll, the author has drawn on contemporary treatises on etiquette and household management to present a complete picture of the social customs and outlook of the time.

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