Dienstag, September 23, 2014

Sub-Abbau im September

Gestern Abend habe ich das Jugendbuch über des Teufels Tochter ausgelesen - es hat mir gut gefallen, aber für ein Jugendbuch (ab 14 Jahren) fand ich es extrem blutrünstig. Es gab eine Szene, in der ein Dämon gefoltert wird - das musste sogar ich überblättern, weil es mir zu heftig war, und ich bin wahrlich kein Weichei... Und auch wenn das Ende kitschig war, war das Buch gut und flüssig geschrieben und mal was anderes als Vampire und Werwölfe.
Danach habe ich dann mit meinem September-Sub-Abbau-Buch begonnen, sehr spät in diesem Monat. Aber da ich das Buch unbedingt lesen wollte - weil Lauren Bacall ja vor Kurzem gestorben ist - aber 500 Seiten zuviel zum Herumtragen sind, habe ich eben auf meinen Herbsturlaub gewartet. Gekauft habe ich dieses Buch am 29.08.2009.
Meine Lektüre:

By Myself And Then Some

Description: Expanding on her best-selling 1979 autobiography, By Myself, Bacall entertains with her signature breathy prose, straightforward manner, and unmatchable style. The past is more elaborately drawn out, and the intervening 25 years add maturity and worldliness to this most respected of Hollywood icons. Much of what's discussed anecdotally in her 1994 book, Now, is delved into in more detail here. While readers will find Bacall's recollections of her days of hobnobbing with Bogart, Hepburn, and other stars of Hollywood's Golden Age as captivating as always, even more appealing are her personal stories--stories of family and single motherhood, of hope and tragedy. As a celebrity and as a woman, Bacall was always a bit more independent than the times usually allowed, but what shines through is her generosity and giving nature. She shares how her love for FDR and her travels to many foreign lands helped shape the bittersweet relationship she now has with the U.S., which, she feels, while making so many great strides toward inclusion and human rights, has also taken many steps backward in these and other areas. Certainly more intelligently written than your average celebrity autobiography, this memoir tells a fascinating story of one woman's journey through life with an intimacy that's sure to engage legions of Readers.

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