Mittwoch, Juni 01, 2011

Zweimal Neu

Gestern Abend habe ich das "Frivole Wien" ausgelesen und es hat mir wieder ausserordentlich gut gefallen. Vermutlich entspricht nicht alles der Wahrheit, aber die Anekdoten waren gut beschrieben und es könnte sich so abgespielt haben - oder auch ganz anders.

Heute Morgen habe ich mich dann für ein dünnes Vor-Urlaubsbuch entschieden:

Housekeeping vs. the Dirt

Product Description: Time spent with Nick Hornby is always time well spent. In essay mode, he is a companionable conversationalist making sparkling observations, and since he hits so often on my cultural zeitgeist list, I feel like we're having a dialogue, not that he's doing a garrulous solo riff. HOUSEKEEPING VS. THE DIRT is the second collection of his mostly monthly reading column for "The Believer" magazine, covering much of 2005, right up to the June/July 2006 edition. Hornby, an incorrigible book acquirer, begins each month with the list of books bought and those actually read. His reading is eclectic, the choices often serendipitous, as in picking up a book a small child has yanked off the shelf, and the title sums up the range, from Marianne Robinson's critically acclaimed HOUSEKEEPING to Motley Crue's sensational THE DIRT. He recognizes that we don't read in a vacuum, we read while under the influence of moods and the events of our personal lives and the world, and as such our book acquiring and reading is a part of that dynamic, part of our fiber. It's nice to sit down with a guy who gets it that reading is cool and essential, that it's not a disassociated science or a substitute for life or something that distracts us unnecessarily from doing other things someone else may deem more useful.

Ausserdem kam eine alte Bestellung von Thalia in den Postkasten. Gefreut habe ich mich darüber:

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