Freitag, März 20, 2020

Lieblingsschriftsteller Ismail Kadare

Letzte Woche habe ich bei Amazon entdeckt, das es ein neues Buch meines Lieblingsschriftstellers Ismail Kadare gibt. Naja, nicht ganz neu, aber zum ersten Mal ins Englische übersetzt. Jedenfalls habe ich es gleich bei Amazon bestellt und am Mittwoch begonnen zu lesen. Leider hatte es nur knapp 170 Seiten, so das ich es auch schon wieder ausgelesen habe. Wie immer hat es mir sehr gut gefallen, daher war ich auch so schnell durch.
Meine Lektüre:

The Doll

Description: At the centre of young Ismail’s world is the unknowable figure of his mother. Naïve and fragile as a paper doll, she is an unlikely presence in her husband’s great stone house, with its hidden rooms and infamous dungeon, and is constantly at odds with her wise and thin-lipped mother-in-law. But despite her lightness and unchanging youthful nature, she is not without her own enigmas.

Most of all, she fears that her intellectual son – who uses words she doesn’t understand, publishes radical poetry, falls in love freely and seems to be renouncing everything she embodies of the old world – will have to exchange her for a superior mother when he becomes a famous writer.

Dedicated to the memory of his mother and circling back to his childhood in Albania, The Doll is Ismail Kadare’s delicate and disarming tale of home and creative longing, of writerly aspiration, and of personal and political freedom.

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