Sonntag, November 28, 2010

Wie man einen Bestseller schreibt...

Heute nach dem Frühstück habe ich den letzten Paul Auster fertig gelesen, er hat mir wieder sehr gut gefallen. Heute Abend werde ich dann mit einem Buch beginnen, das Tipps und Ratschläge zum Roman-Schreiben gibt, und wie man ein Buch dann auch an einen Verlag verkaufen kann. Ich mag solche Bücher ja sehr und habe auch schon einige gelesen. Allerdings denke ich schon, das man auch Talent braucht, und nicht nur aus einem Buch lernen kann, wie man einen Roman schreibt.

Damit beginne ich noch Heute:

Melissa HILL (Editor)
The Complete Handbook of Novel Writing

Product Description: Get advice from the best in the business on every part of the novel writing and publishing process!

In The Complete Handbook of Novel Writing, 2nd Edition, you’ll learn from the invaluable advice of established writers. Discover new ways to generate ideas, implement intriguing techniques, and find the inspiration you need to finish your work. This fully-revised edition includes a revamped marketing section that covers the unique challenges of today’s publishing market and the boundless opportunities of online promotion.

Inside you’ll find expert advice from dozens of bestselling authors and publishing professionals on how to:
Master the elements of fiction, from plot and characters to dialogue and point of view
Develop a unique voice and sensibility in your writingManage the practical aspects of writing, from overcoming writer’s block to revising your work
Determine what elements your story needs to succeed in a particular genre—science fiction, fantasy, mystery, suspense, inspirational, romance (mainstream and Christian), or historical fiction
Find an agent, market your work, and get published—or self-publish—successfully

You’ll also find interviews with some of the world’s finest writers, including Margaret Atwood, Tom Clancy, Brock Clarke, Cory Doctorow, Dave Eggers, Elizabeth George, Jerry Jenkins, Stephen King, Megan McCafferty, Audrey Niffenegger, Joyce Carol Oates, Chuck Palahniuk, James Patterson, Richard Russo, Anne Tyler, John Updike, and Kurt Vonnegut. Their words will provide you with the guidance and encouragement of your very own writing mentor.

The Complete Handbook of Novel Writing is your one-stop resource for everything you need to know about the craft and business of creating a bestseller.

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