Montag, August 03, 2009


Da meine momentane Lektüre - das America-Buch - nicht straßenbahn- und handtaschentauglich ist, habe ich ein kleines Büchlein ausgewählt, das ich auch schon wieder fertig gelesen habe:
Dieses habe ich heute in der Straßenbahn ausgelesen:

The Irish Literary Movement

Product Description: The National Portrait Gallery's "Character Sketches" series provides biographical sketches of a specific group of historical figures from the Gallery's collection of portraits. Each volume examines the public images and private faces, the characters and relationships that gave each group its identity and importance. Introductions to each volume give a comprehensive account of the lives featured from a critical perspective. Journals, letters, diaries, anecdotes, poems and novels are all used to create portraits in words as well as images. This issue focuses on the Irish literary movement.

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