Montag, Dezember 01, 2008


Heute Abend werde ich mit einem Weihnachtsbuch beginnen - glücklicherweise hatte der Banville nur 260 Seiten. Die Geschichte war absolut uninteressant und irgendwie habe ich so gar nicht reingefunden und vom Stil her habe ich auch schon Besseres gelesen.
Das wird jedenfalls mein 1. Weihnachtsbuch sein:

The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding

Product Description: Agatha Christie's seasonal Poirot and Marple short story collection, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers. First came a sinister warning to Poirot not to eat any plum pudding! then the discovery of a corpse in a chest! next, an overheard quarrel that led to murder! the strange case of the dead man who altered his eating habits! and the puzzle of the victim who dreamt his own suicide. What links these five baffling cases? The little grey cells of Monsieur Hercule Poirot!

'There is irresistible simplicity and buoyancy of a Christmas treat about it all' Times Literary Supplement

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