Freitag, Oktober 26, 2018

Erotisches zum langen Feiertags-Wochenende

Gestern Nachmittag habe ich mit einer Anthologie erotischer Fantasien von Frauen begonnen, und die ersten 100 Seiten habe ich auch schon gelesen. Da es verschiedene Frauen sind, sind natürlich auch die Stile völlig verschieden. Bis jetzt ist es ganz nett zu lesen und mal wieder was anderes. Aber 500 Seiten sind halt schon sehr viele...
Mein neues Buch:

Sonia FLORENS (Hrsg.)
The Mammoth Book of Women's Erotic Fantasies

Description: What do women really want? What are their most intimate erotic desires? The confessions gathered together in this volume come from 50 perfectly ordinary women from all parts of the United Kingdom, elsewhere in Europe, North America and Australia. They offer up their most private dreams and most closely kept sexual secrets. Some of their fantasies are shocking, others playful, but all are utterly captivating.
The stories lay bare the often bizarre nature of female desire, a buried thread in sometimes mundane lives. Juices run freely at breakfast with Tiffany; another woman enjoys a knickerless ride on public transport; a student experiences an oral examination by the professor of poetry; a housewife joins Club Ped in a foot-fetish fantasy; another woman sleeps her way across America with Kerouac.
Erotic and illuminating, these are stories for open-minded, sensual Readers.

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