Dienstag, November 17, 2009


Der Kamelritt durch die Wüste mit Pierre Loti war - wie schon vorausgesehen - ein kurzes Vergnügen. Loti hat die Wüste sehr plastisch beschrieben, und das in nur knapp 190 Seiten. Glücklicherweise hat er nicht wie T. E. Lawrence jedes Sandkorn beschrieben und jeden Busch persönlich gekannt. Heute Abend werde ich mich einem Buch mit den verschiedensten Literatur-Listen zuwenden. Das wird bestimmt interessant und ein bisschen lehrreich.

Meine nächste Lektüre:

Literariy Trivia
Over 300 Curious Lists for Bookworms

Product Description: Did you know that "Gulliver's Travels" author Jonathan Swift refused to talk to anyone for an entire year? That Voltaire got rid of boring guests by pretending to faint? That Balzac's hobby was hypnotism? A collection of over 300 lists - everything you could possibly ask about famous books and writers - is here: authors who wrote standing up, famous last words, writers who couldn't spell, unusual work habits, sexual peccadilloes, unintended double entendres in the classics, bad reviews of future classics, and even writers who were spies. Find out about the weird and wonderful behaviour of all these wordsmiths such as the poet who, while at Trinity College, Cambridge, kept a bear in his rooms because there was a rule against keeping dogs or cats, or the poet who tied a cat to a kite during a thunderstorm in the hope of seeing it electrocuted.

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