Freitag, März 04, 2016

Zwischendurchbuch zum Thema Schreiben

Da ich zuhause immer noch an meine Jazz-Guide lese, und das wahrscheinlich auch noch mindestens eine weitere Woche so bleiben wird, habe ich mich für die U-Bahn für ein Buch zum Thema schreiben entschieden.
Allerdings gibt es weniger reale Tipps zum Schreiben, sondern es ist ziemlich lustlos runtergeschrieben, der Autor gibt auch zu, das es ihm darum geht, mit möglichst wenig Aufwand möglichst viel Geld zu verdienen. Naja, es ist ein dünnes Buch, am Montag werde ich es ausgelesen haben. Der Klappentext ist ja fast länger als das Buch. Bewertung wird es keine gute bekommen, weil es einfach nur Mist ist. Aber dafür immerhin handtaschentauglich.
Meine U-Bahn-Lektüre:

How to Write, Edit and Publish
Your First e-Book

Description: Self-publishing has become a financial phenomenon that is taking on traditional publishers by storm. This is allowing anyone who wants to write a book to literally become an instant author overnight. Several success stories will inspire you to start crafting your own novel or nonfiction book and get in on the ever expanding market of eBook publishing. It is possible to achieve a six figure royalty based on a few simple strategies found in this book. Today brings a new opportunity for people to share their ideas, knowledge, and imagination. Additionally, it’s possible to turn these ideas into a steady stream of income using the latest technological as well as a wide market audience.
The Amazon Kindle makes information marketing possible for anyone to make money, and their program is also flexible enough to allow marketers to set their own prices and even market our books for us without complicated classified ads. This book will provide you with a path to get started on your road to information marketing using an eBook reader. I’m going to essentially lay out a road map that if followed, can put you on a profitable approach for your new information marketing calling and hopefully turn you into one of the many success stories. They say new Kindle millionaires are being made every day. Imagine writing a book that rakes in six figures in the course of only a few months. Years ago it took finding a publisher and sifting through dozens of rejection notices just to get your words in print. Now, you can skip ALL of the middle-men and become your own publisher, your own editor, and most importantly of all, your own boss.
Here are a few things you will find inside this book: • Why Write? • Manageable Sized Projects • Success Stories • Finding Your Personal Niche • Stimulate Your Imagination • Ask Many Questions • Set Writing Goals • Free Software for Writers • How to Capture Ideas • Blogs and Surfing • Experiences • Combination Thinking • Tools • Collecting and Gathering • Top down/bottom up • Brain-Storm or Spider-Chart • Lists of 50 or 100 Ideas • Joining the Dots • Gathering Resources • Fiction or Non-fiction? • Time • Best time to research • Time management • Setting timelines and goals • Money • Use money to improve your book • Hire editors • Hire writers • Hire cover designers ...and much more including extensive lists of free self-publishing resources! Buy your copy today!

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