Gestern Abend habe ich mein Fantasy-Jugendbuch ausgelesen - der erste Teil einer Trilogie, aber der nächst Band kommt erst 2016 raus. Mal sehen, ob ich es dann noch bestelle. Gefallen hat es mir jedenfalls sehr gut.
Heute auf der Fahrt zum Bierigen habe ich dann mit einem neuen Buch von Nicole Mones begonnen, und ich freue mich drauf, morgen Früh weiterzulesen.
Mein neues Buch:
Nicole MONES
The Last Chinese Chef
The Last Chinese Chef
Description: This alluring novel of friendship, love, and cuisine brings the best-selling author of Lost in Translation and A Cup of Light to one of the great Chinese subjects: food. As in her previous novels, Mones’s captivating story also brings into focus a changing China -- this time the hidden world of high culinary culture.
When Maggie McElroy, a widowed American food writer, learns of a Chinese paternity claim against her late husband’s estate, she has to go immediately to Beijing. She asks her magazine for time off, but her editor counters with an assignment: to profile the rising culinary star Sam Liang.
In China Maggie unties the knots of her husband’s past, finding out more than she expected about him and about herself. With Sam as her guide, she is also drawn deep into a world of food rooted in centuries of history and philosophy. To her surprise she begins to be transformed by the cuisine, by Sam’s family -- a querulous but loving pack of cooks and diners -- and most of all by Sam himself. The Last Chinese Chef is the exhilarating story of a woman regaining her soul in the most unexpected of places.
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