Eigentlich habe ich meine Mai-Biographie ja schon gelesen. Aber irgendwie konnte ich mich heute für keines meiner ungelesenen Bücher entscheiden und so habe ich schliesslich diese Biographie ausgewählt. Das Buch von Otto Schenk war im Grunde eh keine Biographie, sondern nur Erzählungen über seine Befindlichkeiten - trotzdem hat es mir gut gefallen.
Auch der Vampirroman war besser als erwartet, ich habe mich damit gut unterhalten. Trotzdem möchte ich die restlichen 8 oder 9 Bände derzeit nicht lesen - die Sookie-Stackhouse-Serie hat mir gereicht.
Mein Neues:
All His Jazz
The Life and Death of Bob Fosse
Description: "All His Jazz" is compelling for the blow-by-blow account that it gives of Bob Fosse's unparalled career. It is probably one of the more comprehensive and insightful books about show business that has been written. The main problem with the book lies in his subject matter, which one would think would be untenable for a biography. Bob Fosse and those around him (with the exception of very few) come across as arrogant, self-centered, and certainly self-destructive. Hey, let's face it. Truth certainly can be stranger than fiction, but it kept me from really getting into the book on a personal level. I ended up angry more than sympathetic and incredulous more than intrigued. The other problem I had with the book is a noble one, but exposes the flaws all the same. There really are not enough photos to supplement the narrative. The only reason I say this is because so much attention is spent on the details of Fosse's career, that it is a shame there are so few photos representing his amazing stage career. We can all go rent the movies if we want to see what they are about, and it might not be a bad idea to watch "All That Jazz" (which, by the way, is one of my all time favorites) before picking up a copy of this book.
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