Donnerstag, April 18, 2013

How To ;-)

Nach dem fiktiven Selbsthilfebuch - das ganz nett war, aber auch nichts weltbewegendes - lese ich nun ein echtes "How To"-Fachbuch, in dem es wieder mal um's Schreiben geht. Was ich bisher in der Straßenbahn gelesen habe, wirkt für mich schlüssig und wer weiß, vielleicht werde ich ja doch noch mal Schriftstellerin.
Mein Neues:

How To Write Erotic Fiction
and Sex Scenes

Product Description: Whether you're writing a steamy erotic novel, or a romantic novel and want to take the reader beyond the bedroom door, writing a convincing sex scene can be one of the most difficult challenges for any fiction writer. How to Write Erotic Fiction and Sex Scenes is a practical guide to help every writer rise to this challenge. KEY POINTS Using a sensible approach and showing how contemporary masters of the craft are currently producing successful, effective and award-winning erotica, this book considers every aspect of the genre. With information on preferred vocabulary, the limitations of the genre, erotic characters, sex-positive writing, and literary erotica, this book demonstrates some of the most effective ways that convincing sex scenes can be portrayed on the page. Using examples from a broad range of writers, and containing exercises that have been tested successfully in workshops and classrooms throughout the country, this is an indispensable guide for anyone wanting to include compelling, well-crafted and saleable sex scenes within their fiction.

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