Gestern Abend habe ich das Duke Ellington-Buch ausgelesen und mittlweile war ich ganz froh darüber. Es war zwar wahnsinnig interessant zu lesen und man hat auch viel über Musik, die Jazz-Szene und über Rassismus in Amerika erfahren. Aber es war halt doch ein ziemlich schwerer Schmöker mit fast 700 Seiten - da hätte es dann doch nicht so ausführlich sein müssen.
Heute Morgen mußte ich mich wie üblich schnell entscheiden, und habe mich für etwas Amüsantes entschieden, nämlich für dieses hier:
Mohsin HAMID
How To Get Filthy Rich
How To Get Filthy Rich
in Rising Asia
Product Description: How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia is Mohsin Hamid's spectacular, thought-provoking novel of modern Asia. In this keenly-awaited follow-up to his bestselling The Reluctant Fundamentalist, Mohsin Hamid confirms his place as a radically inventive story-teller with his finger on the world's pulse.The astonishing and riveting tale of a man's journey from impoverished rural boy to corporate tycoon, it steals its shape from the business self-help books devoured by youths all over 'rising Asia'. It follows its nameless hero to the sprawling metropolis where he begins to amass an empire built on the most fluid and increasingly scarce of goods: water. Yet his heart remains set on something else, on the pretty girl whose star rises alongside his, their paths crossing and re-crossing in a love affair sparked and snuffed out again by the forces that careen their fates along.The hero of the story could be any one of us, hungry for a different life. And ours too could be the fate that awaits him . . .Fast-paced, vivid and emotionally absorbing, How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia creates two unforgettable characters who find moments of transcendent intimacy in the midst of shattering change.
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