Samstag, März 07, 2009


Ich hab mich jetzt endlich für ein neues Buch entschieden - für Horror und Mord. Im letzten Jahr habe ich im Flugzeug nach Bangkok den Film gesehen und war begeistert. Heute Abend werde ich mich also dem Grauen von Sweeney Todd's Rasiermessern hingeben.

Sweeney Todd
or the String of Pearls

Back Cover: A distraught Johanna Oakley wanders the streets of London, seeking news of the missing fiancé, Mark Ingestrie. She is befriended by Colonel Jeffrey, who is searching for his lost friend Thornhill, last seen in Sweeney Todd's Fleet Street barber-shop. Todd's apprentice, Tobias Ragg, is struggling to break free from his terrifying and sadistic Master, while the barber himself is frantically trying to sell a string of pearls. Meanwhile, just around the corner in Bell Yard, the enigmatic Jarvis Williams has landed himself a fine job - making the most delicious pies in London, to Mrs. Lovett's secret recipe...

Copyright: DreamWork Pictures

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