Heute habe ich mit einem Liebesroman in der U-Bahn begonnen, bei dem Wetter ist das am Einfachsten zu lesen. Ich habe bisher fast 100 Seiten gelesen und der Roman gefällt mir sehr gut. Stephanie Butland schreibt keine leichten, lockeren Liebesromane - es gibt da schon immer einen ernsten Hintergrund zum Nachdenken. Trotzdem gefallen mir Ihre Romane, und ich freue mich schon drauf, morgen in den Öffis weiterzulesen.
Stephanie BUTLAND
The Curious Heart of Ailsa Rae
The Curious Heart of Ailsa Rae
Description: Bookblogger Ailsa Rae is learning how to live. She's only a few months past the heart transplant that - just in time - saved her life. Life should be a joyful adventure. But . . . Her relationship with her mother is at breaking point. She knows she needs to find her father. She's missed so much that her friends have left her behind. She's felt so helpless for so long that she's let polls on her blog make her decisions for her. And now she barely knows where to start on her own. And then there's Lennox. Her best friend and one time lover. He was sick too. He didn't make it. And now she's supposed to face all of this without him. But her new heart is a bold heart. She just needs to learn to listen to it . . .
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