Dienstag, März 12, 2019


Am Sonntag Nachmittag habe ich "Veilchens Show" ausgelesen, es hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Es war schnell und spritzig geschrieben und ein perfekte Persiflage auf Reality-Shows und Polizeiarbeit. Einfach nur lustig.
Gestern habe ich dann mit einer weiteren Vampir-Geschichte begonnen, allerdings mit einem seichten Liebesroman. Gekauft habe ich ihn mir eigentlich nur, weil er in Österreich spielt, in einem fiktiven Schloß (und Dorf) Andras. Ganz nett zu lesen, aber nichts Literarisches.
Meine neue Lektüre:

A Tale of Two Vampires
Description: Time isn’t always on a vampire’s side....
Iolanthe Tennyson has had a very bad year—due in part to the very bad men in her life. So she’s accepted her cousin’s invitation to spend the summer in Austria to indulge her photography hobby. Rumors of a haunted forest there draw Iolanthe into the dark woods—and into the eighteenth century....
Nikola Czerny is a cursed man, forced by his half brothers to live forever as a Dark One. But his miserable existence takes an intriguing turn when a strange, babbling woman is thrown in his path. Iolanthe claims to know Nikola’s daughter—three hundred years in the future. She also knows what fate—in the form of his murderous half brothers—has in store for him. If only she knew the consequences of changing the past to save one good, impossibly sexy vampire...

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