Donnerstag, Oktober 04, 2018

Die Buchhandlung der verlorenen Worte

Wieder einmal lese ich einen Roman, der in einer Buchhandlung spielt - eines meiner Lieblingsthemen. In der U-Bahn habe ich noch nicht viel gelesen, aber bestimmt wird mir das Buch gefallen, Buchhandlungen oder Büchereien in einer Romanhandlung liebe ich einfach und habe auch schon eine große Sammlung.
Meine neue Lektüre:

Stephanie BUTLAND
The Lost for Words Bookshop

Description: Loveday Cardew prefers books to people. If you look carefully, you might glimpse the first lines of the novels she loves most tattooed on her skin. But there are some things Loveday will never show you. Into her refuge - the York book emporium where she works - come a poet, a lover, a friend, and three mysterious deliveries, each of which stirs unsettling memories.
Everything is about to change for Loveday. Someone knows about her past and she can't hide any longer. She must decide who around her she can trust. Can she find the courage to right a heartbreaking wrong? And will she ever find the words to tell her own story? It's time to turn the pages of her past . . .

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