Freitag, September 14, 2018

Wein und Literatur

Der Titel meines neuen Buches ist total irreführend - der Literatur kommt in diesem Buch nur in einem einzigen Kapitel vor. Ansonsten geht es um die Herstellung von Wein, um verschiedene Weinanbaugebiete und die Besonderheiten verschiedener Weine. Österreich kommt nicht mal auf einer Seite vor, einzig Riedel-Gläser werden einmal erwähnt. Das Buch ist nicht schlecht, aber nicht das, was ich erwartet hatte.
Meine neue Lektüre:

The Booklovers' Guide to Wine
An Introduction to the History, Mysteries
and Literary Pleasures of Drinking Wine

Description: The pleasures of great wine and great writers: Under the careful guidance of his father, Patrick Alexander began drinking wine with his meals at the age of five. At the same age, encouraged by his mother, he began a lifelong love-affair with books. The twin pleasures of wine and writing remained his passion for the next sixty-five years. He has raised his own children in many of the world’s great wine growing regions, from Bordeaux and Piedmont in Europe to the Santa Cruz mountains of California while researching and writing his definitive guide to the novels of Marcel Proust.
History of wine and some of the best wines: For the past six years, Patrick has been teaching a sold-out wine appreciation class at the nation’s No.1 independent bookstore, Books & Books in Coral Gables, Florida. The Booklovers' Guide to Wine is based on this very successful class and blends Patrick’s passion for the culture and history of wine and his love of literature for the world's great writers. A literary twist on traditional food and wine pairings, this book explores how great wines and great writers can be combined to enhance the enjoyment of both. The book describes the history of wine from the time of Noah to the birth of two-buck Chuck. It explores the significance of terroir and varietal, the differences between Old World and New World wines and explains why England, a small island with almost no vineyards, is such a dominant force in the world of wine. The book also shows the relationship between:
  • Charles Dickens with Cabernet Sauvignon
  • Jane Austin with Chardonnay
  • Shakespeare with Sherry
  • and, J.R.R. Tolkien with Albariño
This fact-filled, jargon free guide to wine, bursting with entertaining anecdotes, literary quotes and compelling humor will teach you everything you always wanted to learn about wine but were too scared to ask.

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