Am Samstag habe ich den Liebesroman ausgelesen - ganz nett, aber wie alle diese Romane auch total vorhersehbar. Aber das wünscht man sich wohl auch von einer Schmonzette.
Gestern habe ich dann mit einem Buch von Nigel McCrery begonnen, von dem ich ja schon eine Romane über die Gerichtsmedizinerin Dr. Samantha Ryan gelesen habe. Das Buch über die Geschichte der Forensik ist total spannend. Interessant finde ich dabei, das er sein Buch schon 2013 geschrieben hat, Val McDermid ihr "Forensics: The Anatomy of Crime" erst 2015.
Mein derzeitiges Buch:

Nigel McCrery
Silent Witnesses
The Story of Forensic Science
Description: A crime scene. A murder. A mystery.
The most important person on the scene? The forensic scientist. And yet the intricate details of their work remains a mystery to most of us.
Silent Witnesses looks at the history of forensic science over the last two centuries, during which time a combination of remarkable intuition, painstaking observation and leaps in scientific knowledge have developed this fascinating branch of detection. Throwing open the casebook, it introduces us to such luminaries as 'The Wizard of Berkeley' Edward Heinrich, who is credited with having solved over 2000 crimes, and Alphonse Bertillon, the French scientist whose guiding principle 'no two individuals share the same characteristics' became the core of identification. Along the way, it takes us to India and Australia, Columbia and China, Russia, France, Germany, Spain and Italy. And it proves that, in order to solve ever more complicated cases, science must always stay one step ahead of the Killer.
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