Gestern habe ich meinen rumänischen Roman in der U-Bahn ausgelesen. Obwohl das Thema mit der Bibliothek des blinden Masseurs mir gut gefallen hat, war der Rest des Romans nicht wirklich interessant, denn der eigentliche Protagonist - Teodor - war ein seltener Trottel. Ein Zuhälter nimmt im Bargeld, Kreditkarten und den schweizerischen Reisepass ab, aber diese Lusche zeigt weder den Diebstahl an, kümmert sich weder um Kreditkarten noch fährt er auf die Botschaft, wegen des Passes. Seltsames Buch, mich hat es nicht überzeugt.
Deshalb kehre ich mit meinem nächsten Buch zu einem bewährten Genre zurück: Dem Lesen ;-)
Mein Neues:
The Year of Reading Dangerously
The Year of Reading Dangerously
How Fifty Great Books Saved My Life
Description: A working father whose life no longer feels like his own discovers the transforming powers of great (and downright terrible) literature in this laugh-out-loud memoir. Andy Miller had a job he quite liked, a family he loved and no time at all for reading. Or so he kept telling himself. But, no matter how busy or tired he was, something kept niggling at him. Books. Books he'd always wanted to read. Books he'd said he'd read, when he hadn't. Books that whispered the promise of escape from the 6.44 to London. And so, with the turn of a page, began a year of reading that was to transform Andy's life completely.
This book is Andy's inspirational and very funny account of his expedition through literature: classic, cult and everything in-between. Crack the spine of your unread 'Middlemarch', discover what 'The Da Vinci Code' and 'Moby-Dick' have in common (everything, surprisingly) and knock yourself out with a new-found enthusiasm for Tolstoy, Douglas Adams and 'The Epic of Gilgamesh'. 'The Year of Reading Dangerously' is a reader's odyssey and it begins with opening this book…
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