sind das Thema meines neuen Buches und was ich bisher gelesen habe, gefällt mir ganz gut. Der erste Teil ist ein Essay, in der sich die Autorin mit Macht und Unsterblichkeit auseinander setzt, wohl auch, das ihr Ehemann an Krebs gestorben ist. Im zweiten Teil geht es dann um Vampir-Literatur.
Mein Neues:
Margot ADLER
Vampires Are Us
Vampires Are Us
Understanding Our Love Affair
with the Immortal Dark Side
Description: Vampires are Us is an intelligent and thoughtful engagement with this literary genre that has fuelled trends in all forms of media and culture, including music, fashion, television and cinema. But perhaps, being a writer herself, Margot Adler knew that it was literature that was the deepest expression of the vampire fascination. The book’s first part explores themes that permeate vampire lit that explain our obsession and identification with these creatures of the night: themes of power, mortality, morality and persecution. She muses: “Vampires allow us to ask questions we usually bury,” using a metaphor that suggests we must look to fiction to find crucial truths.
The second part of the book is a detailed annotated bibliography of a large and diverse selection of vampire novels. Certainly anyone who enjoys this genre will find some worthy recommendations here.
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