Gestern Abend habe ich mich für eines meiner Mitbringsel aus Malta entschieden, nämlich für Geistergeschichten. Allerdings hätte ich beim Kaufen wohl aufmerksamer den Klappentext lesen sollen. Denn ich dachte, es geht um Gruselgeschichten, über Geister und Gespenster auf Malta. Stattdessen geht es um angeblich echte Geistererscheinungen, und unheimliche Ereignisse, wie z.B. um Geister, die kleine Kinder retten und dabei auf Video gebannt werden, oder nächtliche Besucher, etc. Naja, es ist einfach zu lesen und man muss nicht viel nachdenken dabei. Ich habe mir halt was Anderes erwartet.
Mein Neues:
The Unexplained Plus
The Unexplained Plus
Ghost Stories from Malta and Beyond
Description: Don't expect to find predictable stories about rattling chains and headless knights, about dark, stormy nights and misty cemeteries, embellished over the years until no one remembers how and when they started... These first-hand accounts are extraordinary because they are so unexpected, so far removed from the eerie ghosts of legend. There stories about floating phantoms in white, and those mistaken for living beings, ones that inhibit the dark but others seen regularly in broad daylight.
Since the first edition in 2001 the author has chronicled a number of new stories and has also added spine-tingling postscripts to the original ones, recounting similar experiences that happened to other People.
Since the first edition in 2001 the author has chronicled a number of new stories and has also added spine-tingling postscripts to the original ones, recounting similar experiences that happened to other People.
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