Montag, September 23, 2013

Für meine Jazz-Sammlung

Samstag Abend habe ich das Buch über's Lesen ausgelesen und dann noch in dem 1001 Books-Buch gelesen und geschmökert. Gestern Nachmittag habe ich mich dann in all meinen Bücherstapeln nach etwas Neuem umgesehen, aber das war eigentlich mehr Zeitvertreib. Ich wußte, das eines der Bücher, die Robert am Freitag übernommen hat, meine neue Lektüre wird. Heute Morgen mußte ich dann natürlich rasch nach einem Buch greifen - und zufällig lag es ganz oben...
Meine derzeitige Lektüre:

Chris DeVITO (Hrsg.)
Coltrane on Coltrane
The John Coltrane Interviews

Synopsis: John Coltrane created a new sound, a music that had nothing to do with anyone except himself. The path he chose was difficult and risky. Nevertheless, he persisted, and his recordings now stand among the greatest of all jazz achievements. And his life, thoughts, and words have been just as inspiring as his music. This book collects those words for the first time. Coltrane was a gracious and conscientious interviewee. His responses were thoughtful and measured; he rarely said anything negative about others (though he could be highly self-critical). He freely gave credit to those who influenced and inspired him. Interviewer after interviewer noted how different Coltrane seemed from his music--this quiet man whose music was so volcanic.

Coltrane on Coltrane includes every known Coltrane interview, many in new transcriptions, and several previously unpublished; articles, reminiscences, and liner notes that rely on interviews; and some of Coltrane's personal writings and correspondence. John Coltrane never wrote an autobiography. This book is as close to one as possible.
Named one of the best jazz books of 2010 by Jazz Times 's reader poll.

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