Gestern Abend habe ich das Vampir-Buch ausgelesen und dann noch ein wenig in meinem Zweit-Lesebuch gestöbert. Das Vampirbuch war ganz nett, vor allem mit vielen Tipps zu weiteren Vampir-Büchern und Filmen. Gestört hat mich nur daran, das so viele echte "Vampire" zu Wort kamen. Offensichtlich gibt es wirklich Menschen, die denken, sie wären Vampire und ein großes Trara drüber machen. Sehr seltsam....
Heute beginne ich dann mit einem Buch, das sich wieder einmal mit dem Schreiben auseinander setzt, mein Neues:
Roy Peter CLARK
Writing Tools
Writing Tools
50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer
Synopsis : 'Tools Not Rules' says Roy Peter Clark, vice president and senior scholar at the Poynter Institute, the esteemed school for journalists and teachers of journalists. Clark believes that everyone can write well with the help of a handful of useful tools that he has developed over decades of writing and teaching. If you google 'Roy Peter Clark, Writing Tools', you'll get an astonishing 1.25 million hits. That's because journalists everywhere rely on his tips to help them write well every day - in fact he fields emails from around the world from grateful writers. 'Writing Tools' covers everything from the basics (Tool 5: Watch those Adverbs) to the more complex (Tool 34: Turn your notebook into a camera) and uses more than 300 examples from literature and journalism to illustrate the concepts. For students, aspiring novelists and writers of memos, emails, PowerPoint presentations and love letters, here are 50 indispensible, memorable and usable tools.
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