Heute habe ich mein modernes Dornröschen-Märchen ausgelesen. Sicher, es ist ein modernes Märchen für Jugendliche, aber ich fand die Geschichte durchaus gut geschrieben und mir hat ja auch Beastly (Die Schöne und das Biest) sehr gut gefallen. Auch wenn es Teenie-Literatur ist, werde ich von dieser Autorin bestimmt noch mehr Märchen-Adaptionen lesen.
Heute Abend beim Wein habe ich dann mit dem neuesten Kennedy-Buch begonnen und schon das Vorwort, die Einführung und der Beginn des ersten Interviews hat mich gefangen genommen. Die Kennedys sind historisch mehr als interessant und Jacqueline Kennedy war eine ganz besondere Frau. Ich freue mich schon, wenn ich morgen in der U-Bahn weiterlesen kann.
Mein Neues:
Jacqueline KENNEDY
Historic Conversations on Life with John F. Kennedy
Book Description: In 1964, Jacqueline Kennedy recorded seven historic interviews about her life with John F. Kennedy. Now, for the first time, they can be heard and read in this deluxe, illustrated book and 8-CD set.
Shortly after President John F. Kennedy's assassination, with a nation deep in mourning and the world looking on in stunned disbelief, Jacqueline Kennedy found the strength to set aside her own personal grief for the sake of posterity and begin the task of documenting and preserving her husband's legacy. In January of 1964, she and Robert F. Kennedy approved a planned oral-history project that would capture their first-hand accounts of the late President as well as the recollections of those closest to him throughout his extraordinary political career. For the rest of her life, the famously private Jacqueline Kennedy steadfastly refused to discuss her memories of those years, but beginning that March, she fulfilled her obligation to future generations of Americans by sitting down with historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., and recording an astonishingly detailed and unvarnished account of her experiences and impressions as the wife and confidante of John F. Kennedy. The tapes of those sessions were then sealed and later deposited in the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum upon ist completion, in accordance with Mrs. Kennedy's wishes.
The resulting eight and a half hours of material comprises a unique and compelling record of a tumultuous era, providing fresh insights on the many significant people and events that shaped JFK's presidency but also shedding new light on the man behind the momentous decisions. Here are JFK's unscripted opinions on a host of revealing subjects, including his thoughts and feelings about his brothers Robert and Ted, and his take on world leaders past and present, giving us perhaps the most informed, genuine, and immediate portrait of John Fitzgerald Kennedy we shall ever have. Mrs. Kennedy's urbane perspective, her candor, and her flashes of wit also give us our clearest glimpse into the active mind of a remarkable First Lady.
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