Dienstag, November 08, 2011


Gerade eben ich habe das Sookie Stackhouse-Buch ausgelesen und wie immer was es amüsante Unterhaltung.

Da wir heute ja zum Ganslessen gehen, kann ich leider erst morgen Früh mit einem neuen Buch beginnen. Aber in die Fototasche passt das dicke Buch nicht hinein.

Mein Neues:

Nick RENNISON (Hsrg.)
Bloomsbury Good Reading Guide

Deciding what to read next when you've just finished an unputdownable novel can be daunting. The Bloomsbury Good Reading Guide features hundreds of authors and thousands of titles, with navigation features to lead you on a rich journey through some of the best literature of past and present.
This greatly expanded edition features 40 new entries for contemporary novelists from Monica Ali and Anne Enright to Jonathan Franzen and Jodi Picoult. It also includes many more nonfiction writers than before, news sections including "New Writers to Watch" and "Forgotten Classics", and major revisions to existing entries. An accessible and authorative guide that no serious book lover shlould be without.

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