Sonntag, Oktober 09, 2011

Englische Literatur

Gestern Abend habe ich den Shakespeare ausgelesen, der mir wie üblich sehr gut gefallen hat. Im Anschluß daran habe ich mich dafür für ein Buch über die englische Literatur entschieden. Es ist zwar ein Lexikon, aber dadurch auch leicht zu lesen.

Mein Neues:

A to Z of English Literature

Kurzbeschreibung: Anyone with a desire to learn more about English Literature can find it difficult to know where to start, but there is the perfect solution. David Rothwell's book is an idiosyncratic and light-hearted review of all that is great (and not so great) about the major figures of English Literature, and provides lucid and entertaining explanation of every literary form and technique.

Free of pointless biographical detail, it concentrates on providing examples of prose and poetry that help to understand the essence of the work.

With their total lack of any pretence of neutrality, you may not always agree with David Rothwell's views, but you can hardly fail to be informed and entertained by them.

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