Mittwoch, November 05, 2008

Thema: Katzen

Heute habe ich das Buch über Orhan Pamuk und seine Bücher ausgelesen. Es war sehr interessant und informativ, auch zu den englischen Übersetzungen. Leider gibt es nur noch 2 Bücher von Orhan Pamuk die ich noch nicht gelesen habe. Lesen möchte ich noch "Die weiße Festung" und "Das Museum der Unschuld", allerdings in der englischen Übersetzung. Aber das werden zwei Bücher sein, die ich mir auch zum Normalpreis kaufe...
Heute Abend beginne ich damit:

Madeline SWAN
The History of Cats

Synopsis: This is a biography of the cat, beginning in ancient times when it was revered as a goddess and following it as it emerges as enigma, playmate and companion. The story ranges from the great cats of the Egyptian Mau, the enchanted cats of Irish legend, witches' cats such as Graymalkin to the cat who voluntarily shared the Earl of Southampton's captivity in the Tower of London. Also included are tales of the kitten in whose defence John Keats had a fight with a butcher-boy of Hampstead, the delinquent cat who gnawed the strings of her master's lute and the cat who licked the tears from Florence Nightingale's cheeks.There are also tales of great and famous cat-lovers throughout history and literature, such as Dr Johnson, Horace Walpole (and his noble Maida) or Sir Walter Scott, whose own constant companion waited for a snap of his master's fingers to rise and lay his head on his knee.The book will be illustrated throughout with noteworthy and intriguing images of cats through history including ancient Egyptian tomb paintings and medieval engravings and drawings.

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