Nachdem ich beschlossen habe, im August nur Bücher meiner Lieblingsautoren zu lesen, habe ich schon heute damit begonnen - es ist ja nur noch 1 Tag Juli. Das Buch hat zwar über 400 Seiten, aber ich habe es ja im Vorjahr schon auf deutsch gelesen.
Other Stories
Writings on Life, Art, Books and Cities
Synopsis: "Other Colours" is a collection of immediate relevance and timeless value, ranging from lyrical autobiography to criticism of literature and culture, from humour to political analysis, from delicate evocations of his friendship with his daughter Ruya to provocative discussions of Eastern and Western art. It also covers Pamuk's recent, high profile, court case. "My Father's Suitcase", Pamuk's 2006 Nobel Lecture, a brilliant illumination of what it means to be a writer, completes the selection from the figure who is now without doubt one of international literature's most eminent and popular figures.
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