Gestern Abend habe ich den Pamuk ausgelesen, der mir wieder sehr gut gefallen hat - auch wenn The New Life von manchen Kritikern und Lesern als nicht so gelungen beschrieben wurde. Jedenfalls hat mich das Thema "Buch" wieder zu einem Buch über Bücher gebracht. Eine Art "Lesetagebuch" von Nick Hornby.

Nick Hornby
The Complete Polysyllabic Spree
The Diary of an Occasionally Exasperated But Ever Hopefull Reader
From the Backcover: "The Complete Polysyllabic Spree" is the first full collection of Nick Hornby's "Stuff I've Been Reading" essays, first published in the Believer magazine in the US and assembled in this bumper volume for the delectation and edification of book lovers everywhere. Through twentyeight monthly accounts of books bought and books read, Nick Hornby explores the how and when and why and what of reading. He forgets every book he's ever read, and explains the theory behind literary familly trees - the way great books give birth to one another.
He covers everything from debuts to blockbusters to graphic fiction, and is the perfect guide to this cornucopia of books, engaging the reader with wonderful conversation pieces, hilarious one-liners, lists, ideas, admissions and autobiography.
"The Complete Polysyllabic Spree" includes a brand-new introduction, and bonus material - excerpts from works by Marjane Satrapi, Dickens, Chekhov, Jess Walters and more. Smart, funny, unruly and utterly readable, it is a testament to the joy and despair and surprise that books can bring.
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