Gestern habe ich mit einem Buch zum Thema "Schreiben" bekommen - ebenfalls eines meiner Lieblingsthemen. Es sind ganz witzige Beispiele beschrieben, wie manche Texte einfach zu langweilig sind, zu viele Beschreibungen haben, unglaubwürdige Protagonisten etc.
Mein neues Buch:

How not to Write a Novel
200 Mistakes to avoid at all Costs
if you ever want to get published
Description: There are many ways prospective authors routinely sabotage their own work. But why leave it to guesswork? Misstep by misstep, How Not to Write a Novel shows how you can ensure that your manuscript never rises above the level of unpublishable drivel; that your characters are unpleasant, dimensionless versions of yourself; that your plot is digressive, tedious and unconvincing; and that your style is reliant on mangled clichés and sesquipedalian malapropisms. Alternatively, you can use it to identify the most common mistakes, avoid them and actually write a book that works.
Guardian Award shortlisted novelist Sandra Newman and veteran editor Howard Mittelmark have distilled 30 years of teaching, editing, writing and reviewing fiction into a hilarious and liberating guide that is the perfect read for anyone who's ever laughed at a badly written piece of prose and for anyone who's ever penned one - and doesn't want to do it again.