Gestern Abend habe ich den Roman von Joyce Carol Oates fertiggelesen, der mir gut gefallen hat. Ich hab zwar schon bessere von ihr gelesen, trotzdem fand ich "A Fair Maiden" sehr gut.
Heute habe ich mich wieder für ein Buch über mein Lieblingsthema - das Lesen - entschieden. Was ich bisher gelesen habe, gefällt mir ausnehmend gut und ich freue mich schon darauf, morgen in der U-Bahn weiterlesen zu können.
Das ist mein Neues:
Susan HILL
Howards End is on the Landing
A year of reading from home
From the Inside Flap: Early one autumn afternoon in pursuit of an elusive book on her shelves, Susan Hill encountered dozens of others that she had never read, or forgotten she owned, or wanted to read for a second time. The discovery inspired her to embark on a year-long voyage through her books, forsaking new purchases in order to get to know her own collection again. A book which is left on a shelf for a decade is a dead thing, but it is also a chrysalis, packed with the potential to burst into new life. Wandering through her house that day, Hill’s eyes were opened to how much of that life was stored in her home, neglected for years. Considering everything from Macbeth and The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy through Virginia Woolf, Dickens and Roald Dahl, Howards End is on the Landing charts the journey of one of the nation’s most accomplished authors as she revisits the conversations, libraries and bookshelves of the past that have informed a lifetime of reading and writing.
Howards End is on the Landing
A year of reading from home
From the Inside Flap: Early one autumn afternoon in pursuit of an elusive book on her shelves, Susan Hill encountered dozens of others that she had never read, or forgotten she owned, or wanted to read for a second time. The discovery inspired her to embark on a year-long voyage through her books, forsaking new purchases in order to get to know her own collection again. A book which is left on a shelf for a decade is a dead thing, but it is also a chrysalis, packed with the potential to burst into new life. Wandering through her house that day, Hill’s eyes were opened to how much of that life was stored in her home, neglected for years. Considering everything from Macbeth and The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy through Virginia Woolf, Dickens and Roald Dahl, Howards End is on the Landing charts the journey of one of the nation’s most accomplished authors as she revisits the conversations, libraries and bookshelves of the past that have informed a lifetime of reading and writing.