
Telling Tales
Robert F. KENNEDY jr.
Crimes Against Nature
Synopsis: An impassioned, excoriating account of how Bush and big business are plundering the environment - and raking in the profits. Robert F. Kennedy, one of the world's most prominent environmental lawyers, charges the White House with the crime of pursuing private profit and personal power at the expense of clean air, clean water and live wildlife, enriching the President's pals while lowering the quality of life for the rest of us. Kennedy lifts the lid on an administration whose policies have looted American money, helped its most notorious polluters and deceived its public. He shows how, in a cabinet that boasts more CEOs than any in history, industry lobbyists wield an unprecedented influence on policy; how the government has rolled back key environmental laws and suppressed reports on issues like global warming while covering up its true agenda with clever PR; how Bush preaches individualism yet doles out lavish subsidies to the energy barons; and how everyone's health and security worldwide are being sacrificed at the altar of profit.
Written in the belief that there's another way, Crimes Against Nature powerfully makes the case for democracy against the corrosive effects of corporate corruption.
Victoria Brooks: Literary Trips - Following in the Footsteps of Fame
B. J. Welborn: Traveling Literary America A Complete Guide to Literary Landmarks
Henrik Krogius: New York - You're a Wonderful Town!
Francesca Delbanco: Midnight in Manhattan
Anonymus: Sweeney Todd or The String of Pearls
Vikram SETH
Zwei Leben
Porträt einer Liebe
Sarah Hall
The Electric Michelangelo
Synopsis: Opening on the windswept front of Morecambe Bay, on the remote north-west coast of England, The Electric Michelangelo is a novel of love, loss and the art of tattooing.
In the uniquely sensuous and lyrical prose that has already become her trademark, Sarah Hall's remarkable new novel tells the story of Cy Parks, from his childhood years spent in a seaside guest house for consumptives with his mother, Reeda, to his apprenticeship as a tattoo-artist with Eliot Riley - a scraper with a reputation as a Bolshevik and a drinker to boot.
His skills acquired and a thirst for experience burning within him, Cy departs for America and the riotous world of the Coney Island boardwalk, where he sets up his own business as 'The Electric Michelangelo'. In this carnival environment of roller-coasters and freak-shows, while the crest of the Edwardian amusement industry wave is breaking, Cy becomes enamoured with Grace, a mysterious East European immigrant and circus performer who commissions him to cover her body entirely with tattooed eyes.
Hugely atmospheric, exotic, and familiar, The Electric Michelangelo is a love story and an exquisitely rendered portrait of seaside resorts on opposite sides of the Atlantic by one of the most uniquely talented novelists of her generation.
Rene Bosewitz
Robert Kleinschroth
Build up Your Word Power
Wortschatztraining im Business English
William Boyd
Kurzbeschreibung: Peter Gay bezeichnet das 19. Jahrhundert als das Jahrhundert Arthur Schnitzlers. Anhand der Stationen in Schnitzlers Leben zeichnet Peter Gay die Biografie einer Epoche.Es war ein Jahrhundert der Gegensätze, zwischen der Welt von gestern und der Welt von heute: Revolution und Reaktion, Wissenschaft und Aberglaube, freie Sexualität und Prüderie.Das Leben des Dr. Arthur Schnitzlers ist exemplarisch für diese Zeit der Umbrüche. Wenige Autoren haben so penibel über ihr Innenleben Buch geführt wie Arthur Schnitzler. Zu Lebzeiten publikumsscheu in privaten Dingen, vertraute er seinen Tagebüchern intimste Details seiner Seelenzustände an.Das Portrait einer vergangenen Epoche, das unsere Gegenwart wesentlich mitgeprägt hat - das Fin de siecle.